Well, Mother and I made it to China. The Northwest World Business Class is AWESOME!! People... start saving your frequent flyer miles!! It is definitly worth it! So...In Tokyo when we changed planes, they confiscated all of our bottled water. Ughhh. We had no Japanese money...but I found some little place, Tatsu that would take USD so i could buy a miniture perrier for $4.00. Also there is a Mickie D's in the Tokyo airport that supposedly would take credit cards but I just could stand in that long line. Then when I gate checked one of sit n strolls in tokyo, they didn't bring it back up to me at the jetway after waiting and waiting and asking and begging. So it came out with the luggage fortunately. Then we pushed our great big overloaded luggage carts through customs after loading them, unloading them, scanning them and re loading them. Fun, Fun! Then we proceeded out into the GZ airport where someone was suppose to meet us and take us to the Novotel Hotel. Uhhhh... they weren't there. So.... I saw a sign pointing the way to the Novotel hotel and follow those down these extremely long and dark hallways under the GZ airport. (BTW it is like midinght at this point.) It lead us out the back of the airport into a garden area with a long slope up to the hotel which took us into the back of the hotel with no elevator to put our luggage. So some bellhop carried it up to the mezzanine and put it on the elevator to take it down to the lobby. And this is where we found they didn't have any reservations under our name. So... after many discussions of yes we have a reservation, they finally determined it was under a travel agents name. Phew! And then..... my Panda phone(Chinese cell phone rental) had not arrived. UGHHHH!!! Well, after many unsuccessful discussions i just let it slide until this morning when I raised some Alabama hell. Oh... our guide has just shown up. Must go see GZ now. BTW.. We are already laughing about the mishaps. Oh and if you try to call us at the Novotel, you have to give them our room #.