Hello Everyone,
We just wanted to share our little bit of good news. 78 days ago we were DTC(Dossier to China). And, not until today at 12:33PM (Pacific time) did we just find out our LID (Log in Date) which is the "official date" that the CCAA put our application into their system. Can you believe it took 78 days to find out our LID?! 78 days! So our LID is (drum roll, please) November 17, 2006!!! WOO-HOO!!! FINALLY! So, this is the date that we start counting from to predict our referral date. Aww, but who's counting anyway?! ME! That's who! And, Mok too.
I would also like to share what our facilitator told us today in regards to referral lengths. I don't like what I'm hearing but thought some of you might want to know.
"SO, it is taking about 10 months at this time( for expedited status), I would estimate yours will be about 12 months." WHAT?! I don't think I can count THAT high! YIKES! Oh, and she did confirm that we are in the expedited(ha) program.
LID 11-17-06 BINGO!!!
So, Mok and I are pulling out the Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose' and toasting to our "official" place in the back of the expedited line! Cyber Cheers!
And, I would like to share with you my new favorite chocolate...the Black Pearl Bar from Vosages Haut Chocolate. It is wasabi, ginger, black sesame seed and dark chocolate bar. What a combo that is!!! Unbelievably delicious! Hope it goes with Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose'.

SO EXCITED. Tears in my eyes!!!!
Aunt Jamie
Your little girl is going to get such passionate and elegant parents! What a lucky little one :)We think we're going to be very close with our referrals too!
Congrats on your LID and expedited status! Keep yourself busy by SHOPPING...that's what I did anyway. I chalked it up to being cheaper than therapy! LOL
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