Our dossier (paperwork/ application) has been "officially" logged into the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs) for 3 months. I know that is not long in the overall scheme of waiting for a referral these days. (Our friends, D&D have been logged in almost 11 months.) But hey, I feel like we are making progress. The next batch of referrals is due out at the end of February or beginning of March...due to the Chinese New Year holiday. Those referrals will most likely go to waiting parents that were logged in from October 14, 2005(!) through the end of October 2005(!) as well as waiting parents with Chinese Expedited Status that were logged in during the month of April 2006. So with a LID (That is Chinese adoption lingo for "Log In Date.") of November 17, 2006, we are expecting our referral to arrive in October (or November) of 2006. We are, of course hoping for sooner. Let's speculate some more... "If" our referral arrives in mid November like our adoption facilitator predicts, then we would more than likely be travelling to China to go get Baby-girl Mok somewhere around December 20th, 2006. Uh... that means Christmas in China??? Folks, we are just speculating here. Don't make any plans yet...but you can place bets on when the referral will arrive. I am betting October 19th. I am hoping May or June so that we would travel July or August so that all who want to come along on this journey to meet the newest Beasley-Mok can do so. In all honesty, I don't think there is any hope of a May referral. I selfishly wanted a May referral so that I could be back in time for the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration with Baby-girl Mok. I wanted to take her to Shelbyville, Tn to meet her Auntie Chavigny, Uncle Mike, Cousin Jeb, and Lil' Cousin Jasper. http://www.twhnc.com
So, get out your crystal balls, tea leaves, or whatever insider information you have and PLACE YOUR BETS!!! The winner of this contest to receive ... Hmmm? I don't know what the prize is yet. Any ideas on that too? A months supply of previously used diapers??? Nah, just kidding. How about a special gift brought back from our trip to China??? Or...???
FYI: Our mini LID anniversary cakes that Mok bought for us are from Jin Patisserie.
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