Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WE'RE HOME.....finally!!!!

The girls and I flew in last night with the aid of my "mannie," my dad. He's the greatest! He has never really done in child/baby care and he was a champion "mannie" yesterday. And we passed all of Vanderbilt's test with flying colors! Vanderbilt's IA clinic is just terrific. We cannot thank Vanderbilt enough.
So we are finally home. I'm just trying to get settled, get supplies for twins, and slowly unpack the assorted 7, yes 7, checked bags/boxes that I brought home. One tends to accumulate a lot of stuff when travelling extensive periods with twins.
Oh and, one quick tip I have for those of you travelling to China soon. You can never take too many or too much antibacterial wipes or antibacterial liquid soap. More travel tips to come. But leave you with the 2 most important items to take to China. Ergos and Sit n Strolls. Could not have functioned without them.

1 comment:

The Princess's Mommy said...

Welcome Home!! We had the best time visiting with you and the girls! Thanks for inviting us! Can't wait for our Christmas playdate!

Monica and Lily Mei