THE PONY GIRLS AKA BIBI AND MAXINE....were competing in their first horse show in the Halloween Costume Class (for people not horses) in Laughlin, NV at the Tennessee Walking Horse Western Celebration.

BiBi & Maxine: Where is our trophy!!??

BiBi: I wanna pony! And, who braided these ribbons?

Maxine: Is this pumpkin for me?

And, Mommie won a blue ribbon too.
Wow-ie! Super (little) stars already!
Love the cow outfits!
Uh...Hey City Girl, ; )
Those are ponies (horses). : ) Cows have udders...that's where the milk comes from and they are usually pink. Hugs. Beth
Hi there! My name is Carita Chen, and a friend of mine gave me your website so I could connect with you. My husband and I are also hoping to adopt twins from China and would love to be able to email you to hear more of your process and how we might set ourselves up better to be able to adopt twins too. We are both Chinese American so we're hoping that will help. Please feel free to email me at Thanks, and I just want to say that your little girls are absolutely adorable. I can only imagine what an incredible blessing they have been to your family! Congratulations!
Oh Beth!! They could not be any cuter!!!! Love the costumes!! Congrats on your ribbon, too!
What adoreable little ponies you have! It is no wonder that they took the blue ribbon.
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