And, S.O.S. is not referring to $hit On a $hingle as my dad refers to chipped beef on toast. It is referring to $hit On my $hirt....& the floor, the bed, a bottle, a toy, etc... all coutesy of one $hit $lingin' baby, AKA BiBi. No, she didn't just $ling poo. $he took off her diaper and $lung it around with glee. It just so happened it was a full load. How lovely. NOT. I am not blaming anyone for this but... someone who remain nameless, changed her diaper this morning. Thank you for that but next time do it right or don't do it. I told this nameless person to put her pants back on or she would take off her diaper. And, I even gave this person clean pants for BiBi. But NOOOOOOOooo he...oops, nameless person, didn't put her pants back on her. Of course I could have done it but I was making the twins brekkie and nameless person's "to-go" brekkie, washing dishes, unloading and loading DW, feeding dog, cleaning high chairs, etc....all before peeing. TMI, right? $o when I look around from chores while taking my first bite of my Nutella English muffin, she is very happily laughing, twisiting, shouting, and slinging her diaper. Now if we had a $low motion replay of this you would $ee me leap tall cabinets and baby gates in a $ingle bound. Hope I didn't pull a muscle. There was poo all over her. Poo covered baby...yuck. I would have liked to extracted her from the disaster zone and decontaminated her with a bath but then Litle Miss Maxine would have been left to have her way with the aftermath. That couldn't happen. $o while holding back the $truggling $hit $lingin' culprit and blocking Little Miss Maxine form entering the disaster zone, I baby wiped the area and baby. In the process $.$. $wiped me with her poo covered hands on the front and back of my $hirt. I haven't checked my hair yet. GROSS, the thought of it. No longer hungry for my Nutella English muffin. I am due for a bath anyway. LOL.
Oh the joys. $orry no pics of the $hit $linger available.
Welcome to Motherhood, my sweet friend!!! hahahahaha
Love ya,
OMG!!! Does nameless person still have head? Did he find some aftermath in his favorite shoes?????
I know I'm a bit late to this party...but had to say I'm right there w/ you! A few weeks ago the suddenly incredible smell turned into an incredible mess! What do you get when you mix cheerios, a dirty diaper, and twins?....
one brother eating cheerios ala poopies! gross!!!! not to mention everywhere it was smeared!
I am fascinated by twins....others and of course my own....it is amazing how they can be alike and so different at the same time. I'm going to enjoy adding you to my must watch list!
-jennifer (mom to Zachary & Hunter)
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