Monday, May 7, 2007


So, the race is on to see what happens first. Will my project cross the finish line first or will our referral sneak up from behind and win by a cute little nose?? On your mark, get set, GO!!! Actually, the project is on the home stretch (minus the 2nd phase of the 8 car garage-ma-hal / office) and the referral is just rounding the first turn. So my prediction is that Phase 1 (the residence) will be complete prior to referral and Phase 2 (the garage-ma-hal) will be complete.... who knows when??? Phase 2 is just loading into the starting gate. So, here are some pics of the progress of the interior construction. It is still quite a mess but, I see paint on the walls. That is progress. Now, if we can get to the floor installation and refinishing, I would be cheering. As for the cabinets, forget about it. I may have to get "T" to come down and strongarm these guys. How hard is it to get a vertical grain douglas fir, flat panel cabinet anyway??? You would think I was asking them for neurosurgery. Geez, it's just cabinetry!!! IKEA, here I come.

PS. The pictures of the horse arena are from The West Coast Tennessee Walking Horse Trainer's Show in Pomona, CA. My horse, "She's All That Jazz" won a first and a second. And, she could be your's, if the price is right!!!

1 comment:

chad-roscoe said...

Wow! Is that the folks' place? How cool is that?
What an interesting designer/architecht you are!
Waht part of the house is the curved roof?
You didn't tell me your horse won! Were you riding her?
Love the idea of winning by a cute little nose :+)
Also love the new song on the blog!