Friday, September 14, 2007


Just walking -n- talking....
Maybe this is a new Olympic event???

What is a garage-ma-hall, you ask??? Well, this one is an 8 car garage with a loft style "office, gathering space, and kitchenette" on the second floor with a balcony and roof deck. It sounds kind of mundane right now but check back for the "fire escape stair" installation.


chad-roscoe said...

Holey moley!
I had no idea of the scope of this project before seeing it. I don't know how you do it!

Mutha Mae said...

Hey, I got your sweet comments over in my blog. Yep, you got the right person! Thanks for posting, much appreciated!

The Princess's Mommy said...

Hey Beth! Wow Wow and Wow!! This is some "project"! I sent you a private email! Have a great day! Monica