Could it really be our 8 month LID anniversary?!??!! YES, it could be!!!! So, here we are having been registered with the CCAA for 8 months. (That doesn't include the many months we waited for our homestudy to be complete.) That sounds like a long time but there are families that have been logged in 19 and 20 months and still don't have their referral/baby! Our friends D&D have been logged in for almost 16 months. (twice as long as us!) YIKES...now that's a long time. Hopefully, we won't have to wait that long but you never know what the timeline will be where international adoption is concerned.
The latest "rumor" concerning the Chinese heritage expedited referral track (which we are to suppose to qualify...thanks to Mok being born in Hong Kong) is that it should take somewhere between 12 and 15 months for referral...that is from another Chinese expedited parent in waiting (in my Chinese expedited referral yahoo group) who met with the CCAA recently when they visited their adoption agency in Australia. The practical side of me tends to think it will take 15 months. But a little voice keeps telling me to be prepared at any point from here on out to drop everything to go to China. Yeah, I know. I should see somebody about that little voice I'm hearing. ; )
So if we "listen" to the rumor, it could 4(*gulp*) - 7(*ugh*) more months until we get out referral. So that is the latest info I have on our status but I'm still hoping I will get an update from my facilitator soon.