Today is Chinese New Years!!! It is the Year of the Rat. Year of the Rat? Yep, Rat. Yuck. Oh well, maybe this will be a good year anyway??? We are looking forward to our LA Waiting Parents CNY's party on Sunday!!!
It's the Year of the Rat. Xinhua, the Chinese news agency, says that sign is associated with "a time of hard work and renewal in many ways" that marks "a good year to begin a new job, get married, launch a product or make a fresh start."
Hmmm...Maybe it is a good time to get our referral??? Now if the CCAA would just send out the November 2006 expedited referrals, I would be more than happy to make a fresh start. : )

Every year millions of people travel home to be with their families for the holiday. In parts of China, families make dumplings to symbolise luck and reunion.
Also hoping that the new year brings good luck for us November LIDS and our referrals:)
Love S
Wow! That dragon is scary!
Is that you making those dumplings? If so I wanna come over!
I can't wait for the party either! Fun!
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