So today I had a cyber conversation about "expecting" as well. A Chinese heritage expedited cyber aquaintance asked about when we were expecting our referral and that it's important to hear from others during this time of waiting. So my new advice for those waiting for there referrals in an International Adoption program is...
Be ready for the unexpected but don't expect it.
I should put that on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt, right???
Yep, I know that advice is as clear as IA is. Crystal clear, right? HA. NO. IA is a muddy abyss of swirling rumors and guesses. It is not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. One must love the highs of butterflies in the stomach and the lows of the punch in the gut to survive this journey intact. Lucky me. I thrive on it. ; )
Oh and PS.... Happy 15th Month LID anniversary to us! It was actually yesterday but we were too busy enjoying the day off by going to Arcadia and eating at Din Tai Fung and shopping. It was a mini vacation for us. Ahhh... what a nice day.
OMG! What a back-handed compliment!
Wel, you do look good!
Happy anniversary! Dumpling house looks great too!
Are those dumplings??? Not like any I've ever seen! You're a lonngg way from a Kreme Delight chili dog!!!!
Hope you are having a good day and getting those projects wrapped up!
The dim sum looks so nice! We love going most weekends. Guess its a Southern Chinese thing.
I think I would of been lost for words. Hope you do have your 'baby' this month! Need to put the fab rocker to some use!
Fingers crossed :)
My Daughter and Hubby have been waiting since March 2006 for there China Baby... Just waiting for their referrral but the adoptions have slowed down so it is taking a very long time...
How long have you been waiting?
This is her Blog where she writes a little about it..
Hey Knitcrazy...
I have been Logged in since Nov
17th, 2006..but paperwork was started in May 2006. My DH is Chinese so we are hoping to be expedited which means a March or April referral... maybe???(Fingers crossed.) We have completed our
15th "official" month of waiting. Nothing like the wait March LIDs have experienced though. They have had it rough. I just have to say again how much I LOVE your knitting projects!! They are to die for!!!
Thanks for the pennymakes9 link. I look forward to following her journey.
Monica, Those are dumplings! They are Tawaiinese style. And Yummy! Your chili dog comment made me crave one so I had to go have one. It was definitely not as good as Kreme Delight. In fact it was nowhere close. :(
And Suzanne, Fingers crossed we will both have our babies this month! : ) And the rocker is way more comfortable than I thought it would be. We try to have dim sum at least once every weekend! It must be a Southern Chinese thing. I love it too though! Can't wait to try some in GZ!!! Mmmmm....
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